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11 Creative Ideas to Diversify Your Laser Engraving Business

A laser engraving business offers plenty of opportunities, but standing out and increasing your earnings can be challenging. The main challenge comes from not knowing the right way to product positioning and business diversification.

With over a decade of experience in this sector, I’ve discovered some creative business diversification strategies to help you maximize your profits and grow your engraving business.

Let’s explore 11 innovative ideas to earn more with your laser engraving business.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalized gifts have a high-profit margin and attract customers looking for unique, heartfelt gifts.
  • Corporate markets need branded items, offering a steady revenue stream through bulk orders.
  • Customized electronics cater to a growing market of personalized tech products.
  • Pet products are a profitable niche with dedicated customers willing to spend on their pets.
  • The wedding industry offers numerous opportunities for high-margin custom engraved items.
  • An online presence can significantly expand your business reach and profitability.
  • The sports market provides opportunities for customized memorabilia with lasting partnerships.
  • Seasonal products can boost sales during peak times with limited-edition offerings.
  • Custom awards and recognition products are in high demand and offer substantial profit margins.
  • Targeting national days can generate additional sales through themed, patriotic products.

Personalized Gifts

Personalized gifts are always in demand, especially for special occasions like valentines day, birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries.

Customizing items such as jewelry, notebooks, wallets, picture frames, and keychains with names, dates, or special messages creates sentimental value, making them more appealing to customers.

For example, a personalized wooden photo frame with a single-line quote can be sold for $30 to $45, with a production cost of around $10, leaving a profit margin of $20 to $35 per item.

The target customers for personalized gifts are individuals looking for unique, heartfelt gifts, mainly the younger generation.

Promoting these products through social media ads, influencer partnerships, and seasonal promotions can effectively reach this audience and explore business opportunities.

Hint: Try to sell laser-engraved tumblers that generate more than $40 profit per unit.

Personal gift ideas of laser engraving

Laser Engraved Business Card

The engraved business card brings a difference in identity. People nowadays pay extra to get a personalized laser-engraved business card to make an impact while meeting with others. Such diversification can generate more than $200 profit in each assignment.

Let me tell you how!

Let’s say, someone is willing to place an order of $50 for 10 metal business cards. With this order, you can easily make a $25 profit. The customer will come again for a re-order that will not require you to design from scratch.

Laser engraved business card
Source: Instagram

Similarly, you can offer innovations to such customer segments. For example, You can ask if the customer is interested in investing $100 in a custom credit card made out of copper.

If I were the person using a metal business card, I would surely accept your offer.

Here’s how you can diversify your engraving business with customized cards using metal.

Corporate Market

Corporate clients, mainly companies and brands often need branded items for events, employee recognition, or client gifts. Some companies need such branded items around the year for better partner engagement and market activation.

Engraving company logos on items like pens, trophies, or office supplies can create a steady revenue stream.

For instance, custom engraved pens can be sold at $5 each with a production cost of $1, resulting in a $4 profit per pen. Similarly, a company may buy custom engraved mugs in bulk giving a chance to earn more than $10 per unit.

Targeting corporate clients requires a professional approach, including networking at business events, leveraging LinkedIn, and offering bulk order discounts to attract large companies.

Schedule physical visits or cold calling may help in setting up a meeting with companies.

Laser engraved corporate gift
Source: Instagram

Custom Engraved Electronics

Engraving electronics such as airpods, phones, tablets, and laptops can set your engraving business apart.

Consumers are willing to pay a premium for customized tech gadgets that help them to set apart.

For example, customizing a phone case or the phone’s back part can cost $15 to produce and sell for $50, resulting in a $35 profit per item.

The target customers for this market are tech-savvy individuals and gadget enthusiasts.

Partnering with electronics stores, putting advertisements on social media, setting up kiosks in malls, and utilizing tech blogs and forums for promotion can help reach this demographic.

Laser engraving creative idea

Pet Products

Pet owners love to pamper their pets with personalized items such as custom dog tags or engraved nameplates of the cat bringing value addition to the owners.

Customizing pet tags, collars, and bowls with the pet’s name can make great gifts and everyday items.

For instance, a custom engraved pet tag can be produced for $2 and sold for $10, resulting in an $8 profit per tag. Similarly, targeting the entire pet owners’ community will unlock a $20,000 business opportunity.

Pet owners are a passionate and dedicated market who want to give more money for fancy items.

Dog tag laser engraving

Targeting pet owners through collaborations with pet stores, attending pet fairs, engaging in the pet-owners community, and using social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook for targeted ads can be effective strategies.

To offer such products, you need to know how metal engravings work.

Wedding Industry

Weddings are a huge market for custom engraved products such as personalized wedding mats, engraved dresses, and custom jewelry.

The options are endless, from personalized wedding favors to engraved champagne flutes and cake servers.

An engraved champagne flute set or a whiskey decanter can be produced for $20 and sold for $60, giving a $40 profit per set.

Wedding customers often look for unique, high-quality items that offer them uniqueness.

Collaborating with wedding planners, attending bridal expos, and advertising in bridal magazines can help target this specific audience.

gold engraving

However, collaborating with the wedding planners will not be easy. You can first try offering the wedding planner some promotional samples and discuss their commission so that the additional products bring money for both of you.

Try not to sell to the wedding planner, just be their partner. It will give you long-term sustainable business opportunities.

Learn gold engraving and offer customized engraved jewelry through wedding planners.

Online Presence

An online store can significantly expand your reach. Think about online crafters who can deliver your mom’s signature engraved in a metal spoon within 24 hours.

Setting up an e-commerce website and using social media can attract customers from all over the world.

For example, selling engraved items like custom cutting boards or engraved cutlery sets online can yield significant profits.

A cutting board can be produced for $15 and sold for $50, resulting in a $35 profit per item.

Targeting online shoppers requires a robust SEO strategy, engaging social media content, and strategic online advertising to drive traffic to your website. To execute this, you need to build a website, preferably a Shopify store and hire someone who knows how to perform regular local SEO complying with google’s guidelines.

Gift laser engraving

Sports Market

Engraved sports memorabilia is another profitable avenue. Even personalized sports equipment can also be your target.

Customizing items like trophies, medals, and gear for local sports teams can create lasting partnerships. Similarly, you can try selling laser-engraved basketball or even an etched cricket bat!

An engraved trophy can cost $10 to produce and sell for $40, resulting in a $30 profit per trophy.

Targeting local sports teams and organizations involves direct outreach, sponsoring local sports events, and collaborating with schools and sports clubs to secure orders.

The truth is, if you know how to engrave, you can sell anything with customization.

Seasonal Products

Seasonal items like Christmas ornaments, thanksgiving gifts, Halloween decorations, and Easter eggs can boost your sales during peak times of the year.

We suggest you target seasonal items within the dull season of your business. For example, during winter, people earn less and you should run some winter campaigns to generate more business.

Offering limited-edition laser engraving products can create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to buy.

For instance, an engraved Christmas ornament can be produced for $5 and sold for $20, resulting in a $15 profit per ornament.


Seasonal products can be marketed through holiday-themed promotions, email marketing campaigns, and collaborations with holiday event organizers.

Custom Awards and Recognition Products

Companies and organizations frequently need custom awards and recognition products for ceremonies and events. Normal people may also buy custom awards especially if those are laser engraved.

Engraved plaques, trophies, and medals can be highly profitable. Or, think about a ‘Mom’ Crest.

An engraved plaque can be produced for $25 and sold for $75, yielding a $50 profit per plaque.

Schools, corporations, and non-profits are the primary customers for these products.

Targeting these organizations through professional networks, attending industry conferences, and offering customized solutions can help secure orders. Similarly, social media engagement would help a lot.

Target National Days

National days such as Independence Day or other significant holidays provide opportunities to sell custom engraved products.

Items like engraved flags, commemorative coins, or themed decorations can be popular.

For example, an engraved glassware or, commemorative coin or a themed glass coaster can be produced for $3 and sold for $15, resulting in a $12 profit per coin.

Targeting this market involves promoting patriotic events, collaborating with local government and community organizations, and using themed marketing campaigns around these national days.

A strong branding and design sense is a must for targeting such an engraving market.

Optimizing Your Supply Chain

To maximize profits and streamline engraving operations, it’s essential to have an efficient supply chain that will stay effective around the year.

If you are targeting different markets with a diversified product range, you need to ensure that laser engraving blanks arrive timely and cost less. Only then, you can offer a competitive price.

Start by sourcing high-quality engraving blanks in bulk to reduce costs. Use Alibaba to source the banks and WeChat to communicate with the Chinese people.

Establish relationships with reliable suppliers to ensure a steady supply of materials.

Plan your designs and inventory ahead of time, especially for seasonal and national day products.

Investing in multiple laser engraving machines can increase production capacity and reduce downtime. Especially, if you targeting engraved products of different materials, this is a must for you to keep CO2, diode, and fiber laser machines.

Having backup machines ensures continuity in case of maintenance or technical issues. Premium packaging enhances the perceived value of your products, making them more appealing to customers.

Consider outsourcing non-value-adding tasks, such as administrative work or basic assembly, to focus on core activities like design and production.

Maintain a yearly plan that includes market trends and customer preferences. Continuously update your product designs to stay relevant and attract repeat customers.

Regularly analyze your sales data to identify high-performing products and adjust your strategy accordingly. By keeping your supply chain efficient and responsive, you can ensure consistent quality and timely delivery, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By implementing these creative ideas and optimizing your supply chain, you can maximize your earnings and ensure the long-term success of your laser engraving business.

Peter Gail
Peter Gail

Hi I'm Peter, an Electrical Engineer at Doppelmayr USA, graduated from the University of UTAH.

I worked with several companies, handled programming and troubleshooting complex machinery and drive systems. Handling laser cutters was just my passion that finally converted into a business. With our professional help, a total 27 laser crafters has been successfully running their business that ultimately served more than 10,000 happy customers worldwide.

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